Six Types of Wine Pull Fundraisers

Thinking about having a wine pull fundraiser for your non-profit? This blog outlines six types of wine pull fundraisers to give you more options for your charity.

In a wine pull fundraiser, guests pay $25 or more to pull a bottle of wine.Wine pulls can be set up in a variety of ways. Here are different types of wine pull fundraisers featured in our downloadable e-book The Ultimate Wine Pull Fundraiser Guide–Everything You Need To Know To Host A Successful Wine Pull:

Wine pulls can be set up in a variety of ways. Here are some different types of wine pulls:

Blind Wine Pull

To add mystery to the fundraiser, offer a blind wine pull. To incorporate this variation, conceal the bottles of wine by wrapping them in crepe paper, tissue paper, burlap or other fabric, or by putting them in wine bags or even cute, colorful socks. Usually, guests opt to purchase numerous bottles because they love this fundraising activity.  To do this, offer one bottle for $25 and 3 bottles for $60 to encourage guests to purchase more.

Cork Pull

The guest buys a numbered cork from a basket or draws a number from a bowl and wins the corresponding bottle of wine. Each bottle is numbered to correspond to the cork that is pulled.

Mystery Wine Grab

Create this great display board! Ask guests to pay $25 for each cork they pull. Each cork is numbered and corresponds to a numbered bottle of wine.

Lucky Bottles Wine Pull Game

Attach a coin under one or two lucky bottles of wine. The guest who gets that bottle wins a $100 gift card.

Wine Pull Ring Toss Game

At a recent event, the auction chair put a new spin on the standard wine pull.  They created a wine pull ring toss game, which added some entertainment and fun competition to the night.

The game was called Fling the Ring Wine Bottle Ring Toss.

Rules of the game: To win the bottle of wine, the tossed ring must fully encircle the bottle. No leaning is allowed.  Both feet must stay behind the toss line. Guests can play as often as they want. One ring toss is $10 and 3 ring tosses are $25.  All bottles of wine are valued at least $20. 

Christmas Wine Pull

A special Christmas wine pull will generate a lot of donations for your cause. To make the process more festive, put ornaments labeled with numbers in a box and have your guests pick one and it will correspond to a bottle on the table. Attach gift cards to some of the bottles for an extra bonus gift. Wrap each bottle in holiday bows for an easy gift your guests can give during the holidays or enjoy themselves.

This would be a great idea to use if your event is around Valentine’s Day.  Just wrap bottles in red, white and pink and use numbered hearts.

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If you need more information about a wine pull fundraiser or need assistance planning one for your organization, please contact us at 972-238-0249 x 102 or contact us. We will be happy to help make your wine pull fundraiser a success.

About Murad Auctions

Murad Auctions offers professional charity auction services to non-profits for successful benefit auction events. Since 2000, Murad Auctions has helped hundreds of non-profits achieve their fundraising goals. Murad Auctions relies on years of experience, crowd-pleasing enthusiasm and technology to take benefit auctions to the next level.