How To Get Wine Donated For A Wine Pull Fundraiser

There are a variety of great ways to get wine donated for your non-profit’s wine pull fundraiser. In case you are unfamiliar with a wine pull, it is a popular and fun fundraiser that provides guests a chance to win a bottle of wine at a fundraising event.
All of the following content is an excerpt from the Murad Auctions free e-book The Ultimate Wine Pull Fundraiser Guide–Everything You Need To Know To Host A Successful Wine Pull.
This e-book is full of great tips on holding a successful wine pull and take your fundraiser to the next level. Complete the form below to receive your FREE copy of The Ultimate Wine Pull Fundraiser Guide–Everything You Need To Know To Host A Successful Wine Pull.
Wine Collecting Happy Hour
Ask a board member or auction committee member to host a Happy Hour at their home. Ask each guest to bring a bottle of wine to share and a bottle to donate to the auction. The invitation should specify that you want each bottle to be valued $25 or more. Your supporters will have a great time socializing and your wine pull will be stocked in no time!
Wine Tasting and Judging Party
Host a wine party and ask each guest to bring a bottle of wine to share and a bottle to donate to the wine pull. This time, the bottles that are to be shared are separated into Whites, Reds, Champagnes or Sparkling wines. Put the bottles in simple brown paper bottle bags to conceal the labels. The guests taste the various wines and vote on the best ones in the various categories. Give a prize to the guests who brought the winning bottles of wine. You can ask a local wine store or restaurant to bring in their wine expert to give lessons on wine judging. They might even conduct this tasting in their store or restaurant!
Wine Store Wine Tasting Party
Ask a local wine store to host a wine tasting party and invite guests to buy wine that night to be donated to the wine pull. Many store owners will give a discount for each bottle purchased that night to give your donors incentive to buy and donate to your wine pull. Some owners may also donate a wine tasting party to your silent auction or some bottles of wine. In addition, they may give you a percentage of the wine sales the night of the tasting. These are great ways to make money from this event!
Wine Registry
Go to a local store that sells wine. This can be a small local wine store or a large chain, such as Whole Foods, Total Wine or Central Market. Ask them to set up a wine registry for your event. The wine manager will go through their wine and select bottles that your donors can buy on behalf of your organization. Some stores will keep the purchased bottles in the store and you can pick them up after they are purchased. This makes it convenient for your donors, since they don’t have to come by your office to drop off the wine. Ask them to give an incentive to your donors so they will come to the store to purchase the wine. One store gave us 10% discount coupons to email out to our donors. These could be used for any bottles purchased for the wine pull and anything else they purchased for themselves on the same day.
Host a School Art Show
A local school in Dallas hosts an art show displaying the artwork created by their children in art class. This is an evening event and is a great time for parents to mingle and get to know each other. The parents’ entrance fee is a bottle of wine and they can only purchase the artwork if they attend the event. Parents could be asked to bring a bottle to share as well if alcohol is not provided by the school.
The art department benefits by selling the artwork and the auction committee walks away with lots of wine!
Wine Sponsor
Approach a local wine seller, distributor or store and ask them to be the Wine Pull Sponsor. This is great exposure for them. Your display can showcase their business name and they can create a wonderful display of their own. They can donate the majority of the wine and pass out business cards or coupons the night of your event. Include their logo on your event website, in the projection slide show, and on the wine pull display.
Incorporate these ideas or use your imagination to create fun ways to collect the wine for your wine pull fundraiser. Leave a comment below and share how you have created a successful wine pull. The sky’s the limit! If you need assistance planning your wine pull fundraiser, contact us.
About Murad Auctions
Murad Auctions offers professional charity auction services to non-profits for successful benefit auction events. Since 2000, Murad Auctions has helped hundreds of non-profits achieve their fundraising goals. Murad Auctions relies on years of experience, crowd-pleasing enthusiasm and technology to take benefit auctions to the next level. If your organization needs advice on your auction event, please contact Murad Auctions at 972-238-0249 x 102 or contact us. We will be happy to help make your non-profit fundraiser a success.