Wish Mannequin Fundraiser

A wish mannequin is a unique fundraiser for your nonprofit event. Use wish mannequins to display the needs of your non-profit. This works well because guests can easily see the needs of your nonprofit displayed in a creative way, can choose the need and make the donation to fulfill this need. They can select the wish or wishes they want to fulfill.
How to Display the Wish Mannequins
Display mannequins near the check in table, which gives volunteers the opportunity to discuss the mannequins with guests and encourage them to select a card/tag displaying a wish item. The mannequins, which make great event décor, can also be displayed throughout the room. This gives patrons more opportunities to view the wishes.
How to Decorate the Wish Mannequins
It’s important to create visually appealing wish mannequins. They can be decorated in a variety of creative ways. One idea is to glue inexpensive pearls or other beads from a craft store on the top of the mannequin to resemble a blouse. Use your imagination to make a skirt for the mannequin. It can be made with tulle, a silky fabric or burlap. Add angel wings to the back of the mannequin as an accent.
How to Display the Wishes on the Mannequin

After you have designed your wish mannequin, add your non-profit’s wishes to this display. One way to display the wishes is with cards or tags that you make or purchase. The cards/tags can be a cream color to give the mannequin an elegant look or they can be colorful to attract attention. Write each wish and the donation amount needed to acquire the item on a card or tag. Creatively secure them on the skirt. You can also display them around the neck of the mannequin to resemble a necklace. Experiment with a variety of necklace lengths and colors.
Create Signs For Your Wish Mannequins

You also need to create signs to display with the mannequins. Make sure to use the words: Wish Mannequin on the signs. Use a font size and type that will make it easy to read. You can add graphics, such as angel wings to the sign. Create another sign that provides details and instructions, like: Pick a Card and Make a Wish Come True! This sign should also include some wishes. Here are some examples:
$25–I Wish I Had Some Shoes
$75–I Wish I Had a Bed
$100–I Wish I Had More Food
$200–I Wish I Could Go To The Doctor
$300–I Wish I Had a Computer
Make Any Other Donation To Make A Wish Come True.
Selling these donations is simple with our sales kiosk using an iPad. We simply collect the guest name or bid number, and the amount they want to donate and they have fulfilled a wish! It’s simple! Find out more about how to simplify this process at your next event.
About Murad Auctions
Murad Auctions offers professional charity auction services to non-profits for successful benefit auction events. Since 2000, Murad Auctions has helped hundreds of non-profits achieve their fundraising goals. Murad Auctions relies on years of experience, crowd-pleasing enthusiasm and technology to take benefit auctions to the next level. If your organization needs advice on your auction event, please contact Murad Auctions at 972-238-0249 x 102 or contact us. We will be happy to help make your non-profit fundraiser a success.